Devon Bluebells
Bluebells Okehampton
When — May 2022
Where — Devon
Seeing all the beautiful bluebells out around Okehampton and on Dartmoor inspired me to get out with my camera. I have reserved this month for updating my website after relocating but took a break to get some snaps. My husband managed to get one of me and my son although it does look like he is strangling me here but as it’s the only picture I have of the two of us for some years so I will take it!
I headed up from Okehampton town where there is a steep incline for just under a mile when you come to a gate on the left with a public bridleway sign, if you walk down there you will see many bluebells out on the Open.
I also had a little walk around Simmons Park to view the last of the beautiful Rhododendrons.